Should I Charge My Electric Car Every Night? (Explained!)

Electric cars are the future, and more people are coming to accept this as a fact rather than an option. Moreover, it is highly likely that you or someone you know already owns an EV.

If so, then you might have a couple of questions, especially when it comes to charging EVs. First and foremost, should you charge your electric car every night? Here is what I found!

Should I Charge My Electric Car Every Night

Should I Charge My Electric Car Every Night?

If your electric car is relatively new and holds battery charge well, there is no need for you to charge your electric car every night. Unless you drive your electric car so far that the charge is reduced to 20% by night, you should charge your electric car every three days or so. Otherwise, your batteries will deteriorate faster.

In case you are interested to learn more about how often you should charge electric cars and up to what percentage electric cars should be charged, keep on reading!

How Often Should I Charge My Electric Car?

Most electric cars can be charged every three days, but this depends on how old the electric car is and the mileage you cover every day.

If your electric car is within its first to fifth years and is kept in good running condition, you can expect that your electric car will not have to be charged too often.

How Often Should You Charge A Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle?

If you travel a lot due to work or leisure, you might have to charge your plug-in hybrid electric vehicle every other day. Otherwise, you won’t have to charge for a few days.

Additionally, the electric charge of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are meant to cover ten to fifty miles before switching to an internal combustion engine.

Unless you cover ten to fifty miles daily, charging should only be needed every three to four days.

Should I Charge My Tesla Every Night?

Tesla recommends charging their electric vehicles every night so you can top off the battery. This is especially useful for people who use their Tesla regularly.

However, if your Tesla is only at 90% at the end of the day, there is no immediate need to top off the battery and reach 100% unless you are making a long drive the next day.

Does Frequent Charging Damage EV Battery?

Whether frequent charging damages electric car batteries depends on the electric car brand the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Some brands like Tesla recommend charging nightly, while other brands like Kia Motors recommend otherwise to prevent the batteries from deteriorating too fast.

To find what works for your electric car contact the manufacturer.

Do Electric Cars Stop Charging When Full?

Most electric cars stop charging when full. Technically, this is because electric car chargers have built-in battery management systems to prevent overcharging.

So, when the system recognizes that the battery is full, it switches to trickle charging. Nevertheless, it is still advisable that you unplug the charger at this point.

Should You Charge Your Electric Car To 100%?

Typically, electric cars do not need to be charged to 100% unless you are going on a long road trip. Otherwise, keeping the battery level at 80% maximum should suffice.

However, there are few exceptions like Tesla, which can be charged to full battery daily if needed.

To discover the best charging practices for your electric car, consider your unique requirements and consult with the manufacturer.

Should I Charge My EV To 100% Every Night?

Most electric cars do not need to be charged to 100% every night. Mainly, this is because electric cars can hold their charge for upwards of forty miles a day.

Nonetheless, if your daily mileage is unusually high due to work or personal reasons, you might need to charge your electric car every night.

How Often Should I Charge My EV To 100%?

How often you should charge your EV to 100% is largely dependent on the manufacturer’s recommendations and what works best for their batteries.

Additionally, you should take into consideration your personal requirements and the availability of charging stations where you are headed.

If charging stations are scarce and charging to 100% regularly won’t harm the batteries, you can go ahead and keep a full battery every day.

Otherwise, charging to 100% should only be done on rare occasions and when truly needed.

Can You Overcharge Your Electric Car?

A lot of electric cars today have systems that prevent overcharging. When the battery is full, the system shifts to trickle charging so that the car does not continue accumulating power.

Additionally, most experts claim that leaving an electric car plugged in while not in use can preserve the electric car’s battery better.

Nevertheless, you should still not leave your electric cars plugged in overnight and charging to 100% unless the manufacturer says that doing so is completely safe.

How Long To Charge An Electric Car?

Electric cars normally take under eight hours to charge if you are using a 7kW charging point. However, the charging time can vary dramatically per brand and model.

Generally, the smaller the battery and the stronger the charging point, the faster the charging time. At best, you only need to wait thirty minutes for an electric car to fully charge.

More often, though, electric cars will need up to twelve hours or a half day of charging

What Percentage Should You Charge Your EV?

Just like small electronic devices, electric cars tend to last longer if you do not let the charge go lower than 20% and higher than 80%.

Nevertheless, the exact figures will depend on the electric car’s brand and specific model.

Ford recommends charging to 90%, while Volkswagen recommends charging to 80%.

Tesla makes no mention of avoiding a full charge, while Nissan and General Motors do not discourage 100% charging every time.


Charging recommendations for electric cars vary per brand. Technically, the only way to be sure is to contact your manufacturer.

Nonetheless, general rules for safety and electric car efficiency apply to most brands. Unless you regularly drive several miles, electric cars do not need to be charged for three days. Additionally, most electric cars can be left charging overnight because they have built-in systems that prevent overcharging.

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Alex Wolf
Meet the author
Alex is a specialist in everything to do with electric cars. He worked at Tesla for 5 years, then serviced ChargePoint charging stations, and now writes for Charge Point America.
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